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Anti-virus — blocks viruses and malware from accessing the protected system and will cure the malignant programs that have already penetrated it.
Preventive protection — will shield against the latest active threats, targeted attacks and attempts by Trojans and exploits to penetrate a system via zero-day and other vulnerabilities.
Anti-spam — detects spam and other unsolicited messages in any language, with next-to-zero false positives.
SpIDer Gate® — an HTTP monitor that scans webpages in real time, blocks phishing websites and other dangerous web resources, and protects against miners.
Office Control — blocks access to websites by URL keywords and protects children from exposure to objectionable web content. The “restrict access” feature protects information located on removable data-storage devices and in files and directories from unauthorised access, theft, and deletion.
Anti-virus network* component, you can remotely control Dr.Web anti-viruses installed on computers connected to one local network.
Manage the launch of applications for individual stations or groups of stations, network users, and individual workstations in accordance with your corporate information security policies and current tasks.
Simply enable this feature so that even if a Trojan encodes your files, you will be able to restore them on your own without having to request support from Doctor Web. Unlike conventional back-up programs, Dr.Web creates backups and protects them from intruders.
Use this feature to prevent removable media (flash-drives and any other USB device, including webcams, cameras, and portable media players) from accessing your computer and keep Trojans out.
*This functionality is unavailable in the Dr.Web DSS agent when the Dr.Web Control Center is used.
Detects the latest threats in real time regardless of how current a computer’s Dr.Web virus definitions are.
This functionality is unavailable in the Dr.Web DSS agent when the Dr.Web Control Center is used.
Product system requirements can be found in the documentation.
When the settings for Dr.Web’s workstation protection components are centrally managed, you can:
A system administrator can expand or limit the rights of individual users, a user group, or all user groups to control the agents. For example, the system administrator can:
The Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Control Center lets you forever rule out the possibility that employees will neglect to install critical updates. It ensures that virus outbreaks in your local network will be prevented and that an infection won't spread beyond its borders. Also Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite enables you to:
The Dr.Web Control Center lets you centrally enforce a security policy for conducting regular scans:
The restriction of access to removable devices is centrally configured in the Dr.Web Control Center.