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Dr.Web Industrial

Antivirus protection for desktops, laptops and servers in industrial infrastructures

Dr.Web Industrial

Dr.Web Industrial for secure automated production.

Automated production management systems play a key role in industrial infrastructures, which makes them primary targets for sophisticated, multi-pronged cyberattacks and attempts to gain unauthorised access from the inside.

Dr.Web Industrial

Dr.Web Industrial protects servers and personal computers in industrial infrastructures. It can:

  • Protect file systems and industrial servers;
  • Control access to files and directories;
  • Monitor connected devices and the activities of third-party applications;
  • Perform customisable actions with identified threats in the quarantine;
  • Ensures uninterrupted production even when malicious activity is detected. The company's information security team can monitor the situation in real time and make adjustments that promptly eliminate the security threats.
Dr.Web Industrial

Dr.Web Industrial is licensed per number of protected objects within the protected infrastructure.

Dr.Web Industrial

Dr.Web Industrial advantages:

  • Detects suspicious activities without interrupting ongoing production processes
  • Generates reports about identified threats for all types of desktops and laptops to ensure an adequate response to security incidents
  • Can operate as a decision support system
  • Provides reliable and up-to-date information for decision making
  • Can be installed on an operator's computer or on a server within the protected infrastructure
Dr.Web Industrial

The price of a Dr.Web Industrial license is determined by:

  • The usage method indicated by the customer
  • The license period
  • The number of objects requiring protection
  • The specific technical features of the customer’s infrastructure
  • The scope of the non-exclusive rights granted to the customer under the license