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Anti-virus server

Centralised anti-virus network administration, including its deployment, updating, network protection status monitoring, virus incident notifications, and statistics collection.


The Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Control Center’s anti-virus server can be installed on a computer connected to the local network. It stores distribution files of anti-virus packages for different operating systems (for workstations), virus database and package program module updates, user key files, and the configurations of protected objects. The server can also send information upon request from the agent to the corresponding machine.

The cross-platform architecture of the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Control Center's server software allows it to be run on both Windows and Linux servers. No other competitive solution can boast such compatibility.


The anti-virus server retrieves updates of virus databases and agent components. It keeps the Internet traffic of the anti-virus software low and automatically configures updating routines.

Updates f protection components can be retrieved from the anti-virus server as well as directly from Doctor Web updating servers. This can be vital for machines that may be unable to connect to the anti-virus server regularly.

Collecting statistics
The anti-virus server stores the configuration of each agent in the network and scanning statistics from each anti-virus component of each protected machine in the network, and other useful information. To store data, the server can utilise both its built-in database and an external database.