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Compare protection components in Dr.Web Desktop Security Suite products

Protected OS Windows macOS Linux
Anti-virus + + +
Mail anti-virus + - +
Anti-spam against phishing emails and spam + - +
Internet anti-virus + + +
IM anti-virus + - -
Firewall + - -
Internet access restrictions for selected applications + - -
Block employee access to non-work-relevant sites; availability of resource whitelists + + +
Block access to potentially dangerous sites + + +
Block access to files and folders + - -
Limit computer time + - -
Option to create website-access rules for individual PC users + - -
Protects against infected flash drives and other removable devices + + +
Removable media whitelist + - -
Monitors the behaviour of potentially malicious applications + - -
Restrict access to computer resources for selected programs + - -
Prevents running programs from being modified while in operation + - -
Regular anti-virus scanning + + +
Remote scanning of systems on which the anti-virus cannot be installed - - +
Dr.Web Cloud + + +
Remote configuration of anti-virus protection parameters + - -
Webcam blocking + - -
Microphone blocking + - -
Data Loss Prevention + - -
Protects anti-virus data from modification + - -
Data encryption/permanent data deletion (cryptographer*) +
Free recovery of files that have been corrupted by encryption ransomware +**

* Atlansys Software is the developer of Atlansys Bastion Pro. The cryptographer is only available in Russia.

** Provided these requirements were met at the moment the incident occurred.