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Dr.Web Parental Control

Security for the entire family. Controls web-surfing and blocks access to unwanted sites

Secure Internet traffic

  • Scans traffic on all ports.
  • Checks URLs on Doctor Web's server regardless of the update settings or how up to date a computer’s Dr.Web virus databases are (more).
  • Blocks websites that fall into any of 12 thematic groups (adult content, violence, weapons, drugs, gambling, etc.).
  • Protects children from exposure to objectionable content.
    Find out more.

Restricting PC and Internet access

  • Limit Internet and computer time.
  • Block any attempts to adjust the system time and time zone to prevent children from using the computer without their parents’ permission.
  • The "Interval Time Limit" option lets parents specify the amount of time (in 30-minute intervals) that their children can spend on the computer.
  • Automatically block night-time access to a PC.
  • Create time-limit profiles.

Blocks access to files and folders

  • Blocks access to individual files and directories to keep your files and important information protected from deletion and unauthorised access.
  • The access mode parameter (deny access or grant access in the read-only mode) offers more ways to configure access.

Additional options

  • Parental Control settings profiles can be established individually for each user.
  • Settings can be imported between user accounts.
  • The Parental Control can be disabled for a particular user account.

Find out more

Read the Anti-virus Times columns "Snared in the net", "Web psychology", and "Kids’ web 2.0" to learn how the cyber world of a child is fragile in our hi-tech era and why it needs parental protection.